Be yourself, don't take the bait.


UI/UX | Case Study



  1. Premise

  2. Proposal

  3. Research

  4. Define

  5. Ideate

  6. Usability Testing

  7. Visual Design

  8. Recap

  9. Prototype

You’re saying that I have to create a playlist and send it to you so you can save it to your library for you to have the ability to modify it? Then you have to send it back to me so I can redownload it into my library again? And we have to do that all over again whenever we want to make a change or addition? That’s wack.


The options to actively participate with others during the curation of playlists are limited. Features that involve interacting with others in real-time via sharing or other forms of participation aren’t prevalent the same way sharing of different mediums are - I.E. photo and video. 


MixWav is a mobile app that allows users to engage with one another by allowing them to participate in the playlist creation process together and through the sharing of that content.


Before getting ahead of myself with the reaction of my own experiences, I wanted to discover:

  • What the current playlist experience entailed for other individuals.

  • If others preferred to share what they listened to or keep it to themselves.

  • What factors might compel an individual to share or not share their playlists and what they think/feel about sharing.

  • The processes they utilized to share playlists, if they did.


Through both the surveys and interviews, participants expressed an abundant appreciation for music. Sharing music was described as a “social act” allowing one to “express how they feel" in the moment and could be described as an “attempt to draw someone into that same experience”. This motivated me to set the inclusion of moods in some form as an end goal.

When I share a song or a playlist with friends, I think I’m ultimately attempting to make them feel the same thing I am at that moment.

After synthesizing my insights and findings, a few repeated concepts began to appear. Some of the elements brought up by participants were desires, and other factors were concerns related to why sharing might not be sought after by some individuals.

Potential Solutions:

  • Access to playlist hubs consisting of users looking to actively listen and share.

  • Linking of services to share across multiple platforms (Spotify, Apple Music, Google Play, etc.).

  • Explicit options to interact with other playlists/people in real-time.

Recurring Concerns:

  • Not knowing if someone would be willing to listen to a shared playlist.

  • Users having friends on different platforms, making sharing difficult.

  • Lack of interactive abilities/options.


The data gathered from my survey and interviewing pursuits generated two categories of personas to consolidate the extrapolated personalities and goals of the target users:

  • The Curator/Exhibitionist - Individuals that love to craft content and share what they’ve created.

  • The Connoisseur - Individuals that may not necessarily take the time to craft their own content but love to engage with what others have created.


The Curator/Exhibitionist

The Connoisseur

Baseline Features/Objectives

From the generalized goals and frustrations of definitive personas, a baseline for a future product could be established. Product objectives were then derived from these desires and pain points.

baseline features (3).png


Content Strategy/Information Architecture

The content strategy phase started with implementing a card sort based on the baseline features defined previously and was followed up with tree testing. These exercises determined the base navigation for the product by pinpointing terms of potential users associated with those baseline tasks.

A few tasks revealed errors in the original organization and clarified what users might be more likely to expect when completing specific tasks. After reviewing the data and concerns, a new simplified organization was created to account for participant feedback.

Card Sort + Tree Testing Excerpt

Revised Organization vs. Initial Sketch


Once the general structure was in place, user flows and wireframes were developed to look at tasks in more detail. The goal of these tasks was to address the concerns previously mentioned in some way. These tasks included:

  • Creation of a new account to link existing music streaming services to platform.

  • Adding a song to an existing playlist and sharing that playlist with a specific individual for shared participation.

  • Creation of a live playlist session to interact with people in real-time.


User Tasks + Flows

User Flow: New Account

User Flow: Create/Share Playlist

User Flow: Live Session

Wireframes + Sketches

Initial Sketches

Initial Sketches

Usability Testing

A first pass prototype was generated from these wireframes to test design features and organization at this stage. The remarks gathered from this exercise were utilized to develop the design in the refinement stage. A few of the main comments were:

Visual Design

Inspiration copy 2.png


The genesis of this project initiated with two things - the curation of playlists and the sharing of those playlists. A playlist can be considered a mixtape, which is a compilation of various songs typically from different artists. In addition to this similarity, mixtapes were also widely shared between individuals by hand to hand exchanges. Conceptually this project aims to emulate that and utilize visual elements of those eras as a motif for its aesthetics.

Color + Font.png

Typeface + Colors

style components.png

Design Library


The following images highlight various features and elements, calling out their significance in relation to the concerns and insights of potential users uncovered earlier during the research/testing phases. This was also a way for me to comb through the design to ensure the placement and presence of the elements were purposeful, always tying back into the user’s needs.
